If you would like to become a member of AIM to AID, then please fill out the Google forms below. Joining our team as a member and volunteer will allow you to directly assist refugees at our events, donation drives, and collaborations with other organizations. You can join our efforts to assist refugees and impact your communities, states, and the nation.
Directly assisting refugees may be difficult for many; a lack of time, money, and many other factors make volunteering with AIM to AID for events and refugee services difficult. However, even if you are unable to volunteer with us, you should make an effort to spread awareness about refugees.
Our social media accounts are constantly being updated with stories and videos about refugees. Our blog will have numerous posts about topics relating to refugees. Sharing these posts takes little time and will benefit us greatly in bringing in new volunteers and in assisting refugees.
Spreading our own social media accounts isn't the only way to spread awareness. There are numerous ways that people teach others about the struggles of refugees and further the effort to assist them. Spreading awareness through any methods is greatly appreciated.
Starting a chapter in your area begins with an application through the Google Forms linked through the button below. Once approved, the AIM to AID team will assist you through the process of starting up a chapter, including finding a chapter board of directors, setting up bylaws, and also explaining the expectations for each AIM to AID chapter. By creating a chapter, our organization can expand our assistance to more refugees
AIM to AID offers the opportunity to join a group on the website. By joining a group, you are able to become involved in the organization's team, receive updates and notices about upcoming events, and interact with our team's officers. Joining a group is a great idea for all prospective members and to anyone who is willing to dedicate themselves to assisting refugees.
Currently, our organization is hosting an art initiative focusing on the shared connection between the volunteer and refugees. More information about the initiative will be listed in the Google Forms that volunteers will fill out. The link will be updated whenever volunteers are needed for other events.