The Desire to Help Those in Need
AIM to AID desires to assist refugees arriving in the Houston area and the United States as a whole. Our non-profit organization collaborates with other organizations, raises funds for refugees, and assists them with adapting to their new lives. Above all, we launched AIM to AID to help those in need of assistance within the unfamiliar country to which they migrated.
Our Story
We are the children of those immigrants who arrived in the United States. The children of immigrants who have experienced inscrutable struggles due to cultural differences between their native countries and the United States. Our organization strives to ensure an easy transition for all refugees, regardless of origin into the United States.

A Brief Overview of Our Plans and Goals
AIM to AID has collaborated with numerous organizations within the Houston area and Texas to ensure refugees arriving in Houston are amply prepared and have the proper materials to make sure they feel secure. We are bringing attention to the refugee crisis in the United States and the hardships these migrants face to the nation. We have reached people of all ages, ethnicities, and genders and create a unified effort to assist the refugees in our nation. Through all of our different plans, we at the AIM to AID organization plan to do whatever it takes to assist new refugees.
We raise money that will be donated to refugees or to different organizations that are also assisting refugees. These donations will mostly be used directly to assist refugees, but we will also use donations as funds for future events. Along with that, we have hosted numerous donation drives with schools, religious centers, and refugee service organizations in the Houston area. to get items that refugees will need for their new houses.
Houston Chapter
Chapter Founders
Ibraheem Razouki
Zane Asadi
We host events and activities where volunteers can help either by directly assisting refugees, such as educating them or helping them set up in the United States, or indirectly assisting refugees, such as through raising awareness or money. These events are hosted online, at physical locations in the Houston area, in collaboration with other organizations, and with chapters in other states throughout the United States. We will update volunteers and members about new or future events on our website and social media.
Hosting Events
Houston Chapter
Chapter Founders
Ibraheem Razouki
Zane Asadi
We provide educational resources to both refugees and American citizens in order to assist refugees with their new lives and raise awareness for refugees. We created brochures that have information about the United States and other topics that will be useful for new migrants; a blog where we will write about pressing topics relating to refugees and culture; and social media posts relating to refugee news. Our team has also assisted with the directly teaching refugees English at local areas.